Does anyone remember the "Ab Roller" commercials? I know where they got the idea. Tim and I made ravioli tonight. Hand rolling pasta dough is intense. My abs haven't worked that hard in years.
Was the work worth it? Oh my - fresh pasta is totally worth it. Although, I'm really hoping for a pasta roller before we try this again. But seriously, I wondered how people ate pasta everyday without rampant obesity. If you work that hard to produce it, you can handle the calories of the pasta.
The recipe:
4 c of all-purpose flour
6 eggs (use 4 if you use semolina flour)
1 T of olive oil (you can use more if it's really flaky)
2 t salt
You can't overknead this. Work it until it's glossy, then roll it as flat as possible. If you're going to take it on by hand, enlist some help.

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