Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Video Camera Debate

The Ellis house is at an impasse. Technically, the dilemma is over a camcorder. This should be fun. We're finally thinking about buying something we've wanted for a while, but it's not fun. Not at all.

Tim wants an "indestructible" camera that he can carry in his pocket to shoot things on the fly, uploading them straight to YouTube. I want a camera with a few more bells and whistles - like low light shooting and image stabilization that I envision taking to Gwennan's dance recitals (I know she can't crawl yet - I'm a forward thinker).

Here's the thing... I feel like the disagreement isn't really over a camcorder at all. It's really over where we see life heading. Tim sees big adventures - snowboarding, kayaking, backpacking - things that break cameras. I see little joyous occasions - walks, playgrounds, dance recitals, soccer games - lots of images of kiddos playing.

And here's my question... how far to you tailor your life and interests to fit your children verse how far you bring your kids on or leave your kids home while you pursue the things you loved before they came along?

My parents, for better or worse, made us their central activity, not in a pushy sort of way. They found their adventures in watching the three of us grow. I love that about my parents. They spent their Saturdays at swim meets and horse shows, enjoying watching their little girls be little girls. I always thought I'd grow up to do the same. If a minivan suits my family best, then I drive a minivan, shamelessly.

Maybe I'm too quick to let go of the things I loved before G came along, or maybe I always saw them as temporary pursuits. I think I bought my snowboard thinking, "one day I'll trade this in for a couple thermoses of hot soup and a good book in the ski lodge waiting for my kids to slide down the bunny slope." I don't think that's what Tim had in mind when he picked out his snowboard. :)

We'll get this camera thing figured out - one of us always caves (and no, it's not always the same person). I'm not sue how long the larger issue will take.

1 comment:

  1. Tim won - we bought the waterproof Kodak Playsport. He's thrilled. Thank you Uncle Sam for the camera.


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