Why am I still doing this?
We're in the busiest season I can remember. I was not this relentlessly tired in grad school. Tim comes home from work just to use our wifi and continue working. Everyday I fill our daily draft. And the blog slips further down the list.
To write now means that laundry baskets are sitting, clothes unfolded. Stacks of dishes next to the sink. Toys and books and lesson plans. They all cry urgent. And I turn to the wheels squeaking the loudest.
So what about the blog? The time capsule of the Lord's work. It is rarely urgent. And in this season, oft passed over.
And I have to question, why am I writing? Am I cataloguing the mess of parenting and babysitting and ministry? For that I can save the daily agendas. A picture of my efficiency.
I write to remind. We need to chart the work done. Not the work of human hands {lest we begin to boast}. But the God-work by the Holy Spirit. The one who leads our family into faithfulness.
Small one learning to pray. Chin pressed to chest. Kneeling by the bed. Speaking to her Creator in language only He understands. Then, Ahh-meeen! And her sparkling eyes look to us. Did we see what she can do? Watch. She'll do it again.
Big one practicing truth. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. Deuteronomy 6: fiiiiiiiiive! And her deep eyes look to us. Did we see what she can do? Watch. She'll do it again.
Practice and practice. Ever day kneeling and reciting. All these small moments that build to giant worship and understanding.
And we catalogue the Lord's grace.
Grace to train up parents in the way we should go. Grace to teach through little mouths. Mommy, do you know I can trust God no matter how I feel?? I do, baby. He is trustworthy. No matter how busy or tired or frustrated or afraid I feel. He is trustworthy.
And this blog chronicles those acts of my mess turned glory by His faithfulness.
for sweet Christian encouragement

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