I run through lyrics in my head, where the "oh-oh's" come in, that unexpected C natural. Worship is all business this week. How many times do I sing the words before I hear them?
He who has ears... Listen. To the words pouring from your own mouth. Listen.
What are you gonna do when the doctor comes into the waiting room, puts his hand on you, and says, he's sorry. What are you gonna say to God when all you do is pray to God to take the thorn away, and all you hear him say is, "My grace is sufficient."
And I hear, My grace is sufficient for her.
I can accept sufficient for me. My hurts covered. And keep pressing on. I can accept grace for my trials.
What I didn't want and needed to hear, My grace is sufficient for her. Grandmother, all her pain and exhaustion and drowning surrounded by air. How many times have I raised my voice to the heavens and pleaded with God to take her home, give her a new body? How many times does she pray for the same thing?
And all I hear, My grace is sufficient for her.
What are you gonna do when your neighbor walks into your living room, and you tell them he could deliver them, like he delivered you? What are you gonna say to God when all you do is pray to God for them to know his name, and all you hear him say is, "My grace is sufficient."
I grow weary of the continuous rejection of God by people I love. But God doesn't. He offers over and over, no matter the rejection or hate or spit or disdain.
In my weariness, all I hear, My grace is sufficient.
What are you gonna say to God when everything you prayed to God came your way, but you forgot to thank him, and all you hear him say is, "My grace."
And my heart breaks and mends at how wretched I am and how great he is.
But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, and my power is made perfect in weakness."
2 Corinthians 12:9

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