She has been hit by cold after teething after cold this winter. Each accompanied by stuffiness and coughs and general malaise. We've developed such a sick day routine that she wakes up from afternoon nap, asks for med-sin, a disney movie and feel better tea.
I don't know how you feel about home remedies. Growing up, I firmly believed all helpful cures came with childproof caps. Then I had sick babies. Tiny ones don't have many options for OTC cold relief. But feel better tea does the trick. Clears sinuses, relieves headaches, settles stomachs. We're believers.
Note - this tea is for babies over 1 year. Please don't feed honey to infants.
Feel Better Tea
1 bag chamomile tea {or 1 1/2 t loose chamomile tea and an infuser}
2-3 slices fresh ginger {or 1 piece candied ginger}
1-2 t honey {again, please don't feed to infants! Try agave instead}
1 lemon slice
8 oz not quite boiling water water
Let steep for 5-8 minutes. Remove tea bag and serve. I add two ice cubes for the girls.
If a spring cold hits you, I hope you feel better soon!

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