Who are we, this renaissance crew, all headed in the same direction by different means?

Me, Katie, "Momma" - The fingers behind this blog. Telling whoever will listen about the wonders I'm discovering, wonders about God and parenting and homemaking and wifing and mostly life.
Things about me: I've had a few extraordinary circumstances {bombing victim, vet school drop out, Irish twins} that have led to rather simple, full days. Days filled with things I'm about: parenting, cooking, music, gardening, sewing, knitting, home teaching, reading, writing, and most importantly, seeking the Lord where He may be found.
My Momma prayer:
Things about me: I've had a few extraordinary circumstances {bombing victim, vet school drop out, Irish twins} that have led to rather simple, full days. Days filled with things I'm about: parenting, cooking, music, gardening, sewing, knitting, home teaching, reading, writing, and most importantly, seeking the Lord where He may be found.
My Momma prayer:
The wisest of women builds her house, Proverbs 14:1
My building is not brick and mortar but love, peace, hope, creativity, daily ritual, celebration, memories, study, discipline, and so much more. Our regular days carry eternal weight.
DH, Tim - The one who told me to blog again because he missed reading my words. This summer marked 8 years of walking as one. He's quiet, strong, courageous, the one who holds me together and shows me the reasonable when I see only the crazy. A youth pastor, he is well stocked with silly games, nerf guns, a compassionate ear, and a take-charge voice. We dated at the rock climbing wall, and I first fell in like because if I have to survive an apocalypse with anyone, he's the Survivor Man I pick. I love this man!
Gwennan, Big One - Nearly 5 years old, still in her princess phase, starting Kindergarten this year, exploring the world through words and art. She never stops talking, refreshing us with word gifts. Or drawing, keeping pads and paper in every location as I did books at her age.
Gwennan, Big One - Nearly 5 years old, still in her princess phase, starting Kindergarten this year, exploring the world through words and art. She never stops talking, refreshing us with word gifts. Or drawing, keeping pads and paper in every location as I did books at her age.
She is my guinea pig - that curse on the firstborn. I get her, us oldest girls, living in a fish bowl, responsible to and for our baby siblings, so much drive and passion still to be tempered by love and compassion. And she loves Jesus, so she will get there. I love this precious girl!
Afton Grey, Small One, Sissy - I longed for this precious baby! Even though big one was still an infant, my heart was restless until small one came along. At nearly 4 years old, she remains her toddler self in so many ways, perpetually stained and bruised from her latest escapade. She is tugged from cuddles with her blankie to acting babysitter with her brother, navigating her in between phase as she does her middle child position, with intensity and passion. She loves us all with crushing hugs and unexpected words of encouragement and a bouncing energy to see everyone cared for. I love this precious girl!
Carrick McCann, Baby brother, Little Man - A solid, calming presence in our home, even as a newborn. No one year old, he is the silliest, most charming flirt in the family, everyone's not so secret favorite. He is introducing trucks and tools and construction projects to the princess games that have dominated our lives for so long. He wrestles and chortles, rides the dog and teases his sisters. I love my son!
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